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Wasting a Perfectly Good FP for Autism and Rump Roast

Posted by ADR3-N - March 30th, 2017

So @TheShadling drops disorders in the name of porn, and now the reasons we can't have nice things who think autism jokes are cute come out of the woodwork.

This would be fine if any were actually funny and not jacked on Peter Griffin tier gags already worn out by other attention-seeking trolls more nihilist and less intelligent than half the autism sufferers they talk about. On that note, considering most trolls are so dead inside, King Tut's crusty-ass mummified corpse got nothing on 'em, I wonder if making fun of people they consider lesser is more lifeline than pastime.

@RealFaction recently came out about his own high functioning autism, i.e. aspergers. Well, I'm an aspie too, and this is quicker than commenting on 15 other people's righteous fire sessions to show my support. Everyone knows I love a good scrap. Figured I may as well open my mouth.

This autism meme, it's like YouTube's head-up-own-ass afflicted comment section migrated to Newgrounds and found the "I'm important!" button, or decided it was a good idea to migrate the General forum into the FP posts. FOH and keep these bitter weeds to yourself, or at least make me laugh in the process.

Actual decent human beings, autism sufferers, aspies, socially challenged, LGBT, if you're ever in my hood and some walking prolapse is in your grill with this type shit trying to make you feel small, beat you up, whatever, I will personally shove my foot so far up their inferiority complex, these twinkle toes gon' tickle them tonsils. We'll see who's screeching then. Probably me, from laughter. Literal foot in mouth is harder to talk around than figurative.

The thing is, bullies just don't know what to do when it comes down to real people, right there in their faces. That's why the chicken shits crop up online, where no one can give them the whooping their mamas obviously skipped out on. Remember that every time some asshole makes fun of you, your friends, your family, and your coworkers online, drags their names through the mud, or talks shit about people who can't or won't defend themselves.


i mean when i saw the autism meme and the Autistic Ryder post on shadbase i thought to myself: why do people make fun of people who are mentally challenged as if its good? what if they had it? im sure it wouldn't be funny then. also congrats on the level up

I'll admit, porn has always pushed the envelope to stay some semblance of fresh, but yes. I found it in distaste. This is saying a lot, since I did enjoy Shadman's piece with good ol' invisible girl and elastomom, if you catch my drift. Glad to know we're not alone.


I'm with you on this subject. I have autistic family members. And i feel the Internet has undermined what it means to have severe OCD. Not to mention some other things i deal with. Meditation and events in my life helped me to feel, but i wasn't in as an extreme case of apathy as yours.
Hope you feel better.

Also just add a note, about the two people i know irl that have aspergers. (one is my mothers fiance) Both have careers in music.

Really? That's interesting. Could it be that the obsessive tendencies of aspergers lends to pursuing passions like music?

My apathy isn't quite as extreme as, say, your average sociopath's, but I'm quite disconnected from my emotions at times and very desensitized to things most people could not stand, such as things most people would consider scary. Deliberate and rational as an EMT under pressure, flat affect, and thinking rather than feeling 9 times out of ten. It's very hard to make me angry unless it's on part of someone who I care about, or helpless people. For me, others suffering at the hands of more power people induces the same rage in me as, say, SJWs thinking about Donald Trump's presidency, lol.

I still don't know how to relate to people quite as well as I'd like, but getting there. I'm often written off as a smooth talker though, probably because my OCD dictates I say things in the best way I know how, and I'm a perfectionist.

How can you tell if someone has Autism?

Don't worry they will always let you know.

Yup, Shad-hat and all, bucko! Please be patient. ;)

So nice you're speaking out. Thank you! Love you!

Love you too. Always glad to know I've done something others can appreciate. Otherwise, what's the point in sharing?

you make good points, but I'm just going to copy/paste a condescending meme, because thinking for myself doesn't get me upvotes on r/thedonald

that's as good as addressing what you said, right

Where is the condescending meme? Am sad now. Cannot find. ;n;

Memes are life, honestly, even if some of them I just roll eyes at.

My fiancé Seán has Aspergers as well. Feel you very much, considering the love of my life certainly doesn't feel it but would rather be seen for who he is, rather than have people use the label to fling shit at him.

Thank you! <3

I agree with you 100 percent. There will always be ignorant people who make fun of other people's conditions, and they make offensive jokes about autism because they don't know a thing about it. I myself have Asperger's Syndrome, and I know if someone messes with one of us, they mess with all of us.

Damn right. My aspergers is pretty mild compared to some, at least now that it's managed -- lot of self help and therapy. The people making fun of autism think it's some kind of intentional mental retardation, when it isn't. It's like making fun of people with tourette's. A joke? Sure, but consider your audience. You go and make derogatory jokes about women in front of a bunch of feminists, and see how many enemies you make in a minute. It's the same thing with aspergers and autism. A lot of times, it's an invisible disease, but only because people have learned to control it.

Of course, there's always that poor kid who really will be screeching and repetitively going through his tics. Why? People around him are stressing him out. People treated autism ten years ago the same way they did ADHD, by ignoring it or giving them sedatives. It's just not funny.

What is this shit? I don't come to Newgrounds to see decent human beings. I come here to see wastebaskets like Shad post irreverent garbage that makes me shake my head in disgust and immediately close my web browser. It's a good safety switch so I don't waste too much time playing games on the FP. I have a job, you know, and it's asshats like you that make me want to spend time on this site and actually give a shit about its userbase. FACK!

... In all seriousness though, autism isn't even my flavor and I still get shit on here every now and then. I've never been close friends with anyone with autism (though I was studio-mates with a super chill dude in college who I only found out had asperger's after seeing him 5 days a week for the better part of two years) but it still irks the hell out of me whenever someone slings it around like a derogatory label. Firstly, if you're going to insult someone, at least have the linguistic prowess to do it in a way that leaves your victim in intellectual shambles, more impressed at your creativity than burned by your harsh comment. Second, fuckheads like Shad are toxic in a way that NG can't even redeem, but he knows his userbase. Even if he had a personality, I'm sure he'd continue propagating mentalism, sexism, and ableism 'til he fell out of style. I mean, that is literally his job. That's how he makes his money.

Which brings me to my last point...

As long as NG retains its original spirit (which I hope it will), the aforementioned fuckheads will always be around. But so will the good ones, like you, who remind others (like me) that said fuckheads aren't king here. Shad just happens to be a super high profile fuckhead. And honestly, thanks to the (ableit lax) moderation of the site, the down will never get too far down, but the up has no real limit. Smoke 'em out.

TLDR: high five and keep doing the thing.

I have to say, made me smile reading this. I know NG will never be a safespace and that's not what I'd want anyway -- or what anyone sensible wants. There comes a point where protecting the innocent becomes clamping down on free speech, which is the whole reason I spend my time here rather than larger communities like YouTube. In all seriousness, Idgaf that Shad makes ignorant porn. Porn in itself is ignorant and thrives on pushing the envelope, just like NG thrives on allowing us to push envelopes. I just can't stand it when your average user who contributes jack shit to the site bar running off users who do contribute acts like they can talk shit. I won't stand for it, not if someone doesn't deserve it.

Well, it's not just the content Shad produces, but also the way he showcases it & acts. I'm no saint, but not his biggest fan.

I agree though - I was one such user that was once almost pushed off NG (by multiple users). I mean, not claiming I contribute anything (because I don't, lol), but yeah. I guess in a way Shad balances himself out since he does bring an audience to NG. Still doesn't excuse his shitty personality, just like Trump upping the NASA budget doesn't excuse... Well... Himself.

good post.

when jokes crossed the line, people should know when to stop.

A look ! here comes a different opinon~~~~~~

I've been diagnosed under aspergers (now just considered HFA or whatever the fuck you want to call it) and add APD on top of that.

I couldn't care less because I make an 'autistic' joke to my IRL/game friends voice server and we all just joke around. It's a stupid meme. Who cares.

The only time I would actually care is if there REAL harassment involved against a single individual.

The friends I have will listen when I have social problems trying to over come and they will listen and help; but when serious talks are over I don't personally feel insulted about jokes.

If you can't joke about one thing , you can't joke about anything else.

True. The jokes don't bother me altogether much either. Some people just take it too far, though. Like people making Front Page posts to harass @RealFaction when he came out as an aspie. I wasn't really offended at all when Shad drew offensive autism pronz. I knew it was supposed to be offensive -- shock value. It was mostly people making fun of actual autistic people who /were/ offended that pissed me off. Different strokes, different folks.