I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))

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EDM364's AP Mod Diary, 1/23/17-1/24/17

Posted by ADR3-N - January 25th, 2017

EDM364's AP Mod Diary, Page 9

The fires of revolution burn today. @Troisnyx wrote a petition, and if you're not a Google spider crawling this page for indexing purposes, you owe it to yourself and your Newgrounds account to check this out. Other happenings, 2 slow days with an insanely weird sleep schedule that keeps turning around on me.

While I'm on business though, let me talk about that petition real quick, which I'll be putting on blast any way I can over the coming weeks. I encourage you to do the same: check out @Troisnyx's page, @ any users you know who would want to help, share on social media, and sign that bloody petition like your life depends on it. Your Newgrounds life and the lives of every submission ever to grace the past, present, and future portals do, after all.

Geometry Dash is destroying our site, one cancerous comment, stolen file, and/or multi-account at a time, yet RobTop is doing nothing to stop it. On the contrary, he's profiting from the rampant theft and abuse we suffer, not to mention the hard work of countless content creators who never see a cent in return for their toil; meanwhile we're all at risk of getting sued to oblivion because the idiot farm he's cobbled together thinks "no copyright infringement intended" or "fair use" means they can to steal whatever the fuck they want for their 5 seconds of "Gimme toy, gimme toy!" without us or them both feeling the consequences. It's out of control, and it's clear no one else but Newgrounds is going to watch Newgrounds' back, so let's do that. We owe it to ourselves.

Not much doing except some serious stress and floundering. Was not able to attend Creator's Club on Monday due to my ride having more pressing obligations, and Tuesday I slept virtually all day after having been up for 33 hours of absolute manic episode. I had been unable to sleep between chores, moderating, and writing on a horror movie script about two lesbians who are attacked by a poltergeist over the course of a couple weeks. Said poltergeist has an intense hatred for closet gays, women, and Christian dogma.

I don't really remember much else about Monday and early Tuesday, although I do recall being fed up with my family, especially my very domineering grandmother, who I live with. She constantly nags and berates, and orders me around. I've gotten to where I just ignore her until she realizes that I'm not going to do a damn thing until she asks, not tells. She's also taken to eating near me purposefully, which sounds like a mix of slopping hog and horse-teeth on salt-block, give or take some slurp.

I suffer from misophonia, and at times I have to run out of the room before I flip a damn table or retaliate. I cannot stand the fucking loud, barbaric mouth noises unless I have my own bowl of chow to tune into instead of the constant irritation and anxiety being near these sounds creates, which is 100x worse if the sound is isolated (meaning an entire lunch table is fine but someone eating in front of me is a problem) or I can't get on a pair of headphones to blast white noise until the stimulus is gone. It can wake me up from a dead sleep.

Speaking of sleep, I'm still up from yesterday, so technically this is a same-day post for me. After my 33 hour wake cycle, I passed out on the couch around 1 PM after grudgingly making my grandmother a pot of coffee. She's so lazy, she won't do it herself even if she's less than a foot from the coffee pot and I'm sitting in the living room or downstairs. Same thing if I make food. She expects to have some of it, or me to make her some, or to be able to mess with whatever I put up for myself, which usually results in unwanted shit poured in on top of whatever I might have wanted to eat. Anyway, I went to bed. Uncle tried to wake me up for dinner at six because I was on the couch, and my mom called at 9 to tell me someone else had been trying to reach me, one of her friends from work when I was a wee tot, who now plays PoGo with my group of friends.

So, apparently, that lady had called another lady to come pick me up, and we were gonna go smash down a gym with two other friends. Valor is pretty much the number one team in Meridian. We're Mystic, so it's always great being able to take some buds and bash a gym from 10 to zero in nothing flat. Naturally I accepted, washed the sleep off of my face, and was rearing to go. Was a little sad mom seemed to otherwise ignore me though and shift our conversation to her new terminally ill boyfriend but I'm used to it pretty much by now.

Long story short, went out for about an hour, trolled Valor with some weak sauce 'mons, got an Omanyte and 5 Growlithes, hatched 6 eggs, and levelled up to 24. Was a much needed outing, and I got some social interaction. I still haven't checked all my messages, so that, signal boosting @Troisnyx's petition -- possibly even taking time out to record a YouTube video and podcast "Why Geometry Dash Must Die" -- and penciling in a good dose of moderating today is on the to-do list. I've got my desk set up and I'm good and pissed off. First I'm gonna nap though. I've been utterly wiped for about the past 2 hours and just deposited -- sadly missed yesterday, I think. 31 days til level up.

No. Thefts: 50
Copyrighted Source: 4
Total: 54
Bans: 17
Per capita: 3

Of 50 thefts, 47 were blatantly for Geometry Dash, and 3 non-descript. The remaining submissions were covers or remixes of copyrighted songs, one including an older rap over Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" instrumental, which really pained me to remove; it was just that good, and it occurs to me that if not for GD, I probably never would have had to -- NG was getting to the point we could have copyrighted samples with the proper attribution, but GD put the nail in the coffin on that debate, and so did the old-school copyright pushing, dough rolling trend setters up in the big 3. The music industry of course is pretty much known for expecting to make bank off of non-profit usage, to paraphrase @TomFulp, so none of this is surprising (dear self, remember to reply to his response in forums today -- thanks). Back on topic, however, this totals 54 infractions from 18 users for a rate of 3 per capita. Outrageous!

Same shit, different day. Most users I encountered had between 4-7 thefts under their belts, the blatant @Rukkus impersonator, @sukkuR, being one of the worst offenders of the bunch. This user brazenly gloated about stealing Rukkus' tracks to get scouted after having several other accounts banned for passing off others' work as their own. Stuff like this is a prime example of why we need @Troisnyx's petition. @Zhenmuron has been reached out to, and reached out to, and reached out to, and still hasn't done much of anything at all to curb the abuse fostered in his cash cow cult of entitled little sheep. Troisnyx is a better wordsmith today than I, so do check out her post and spread the word. This shit has gone on too long.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: @littlemisfortune @maorrichan @RealFaction

Thank you!



Hey dude, I sent you a PM. I'm ready to start on the podcast, whenever you are.

Oh shit, didn't realize you were dealing with such a shitty homelife. I should've read this earlier. I'm sorry about your troubles.

It's alright. I've just had it rough for the past 5 years or so. Things were stable while my stepdad and dad were alive but after, it's been a ride. I'm hoping we can get my grandma and uncle booted out, and either me and the mom can live together, or I can get my own place.

Re: that outline, if you have a good idea what we wanna talk about, send me a PM. By now I've forgotten what I mailed you and I can't find it in my sentbox! :(

Wait a second. Our music is being sold without our consent? Did anyone say how this was done?

RobTop is selling everything packaged in that game, including the use of our music, which is being used for the commercial purpose of feeding his pocket every time an ad in that game is viewed. If they were using copyrighted songs, that'd be a legal battle in the making, and labels would grab the rights for the game.

@cank I still do not know if removing the custom levels, like what had been suggested earlier by some, would keep GD alive. Still: this is wrong, and I feel I have been abused for voicing out something important to NG on a petition by being labelled unfair and unprofessional.

I hold no ill will against anyone here, and I forgive. I just wish all these events didn't need to be set in motion for some change to be let on.

I believe you have the right of it here. We have tried to give RobTop a fair shake, and the only people he has really kept in communication with are a choice few. Just because we said yes to him pulling music from our portal doesn't mean we said yes to that option being implemented completely irresponsibly -- and in regards to the fact that it's the dark side of the GD cult doing all this, in what way is the person who created said cult not responsible for what said cult has done? Anyone who has played Fallout 4's Automatron DLC should recognize that, no matter what good intentions the Mechanist may have had, she is still ultimately responsible for the deaths of many at the hands of her robots thanks to the vague directives given to them. Rob is our Mechanist, although his intentions with custom levels were opaque at best, and I feel he cares more about continuing to line his pockets with ad revenue than fixing the real problem.

Disabling IDs of songs won't work when this cancerous community just keeps submitting stolen shit. It's as futile as disabling downloads. Anyone who can view page source can just download your mp3 and resubmit it! As a result, you only hurt your fans by trying to fight back from our end.

You never sent an outline. I figured we get organize it over Skype. I've added you to my contacts list on Skype.

Okay, I'll just have to find a time to re-download it and hope no one harasses me on there. The only problem is if I run it in the background it will brick my old ass PC so I have to make sure and use it when I have nothing else open. Were we just going to talk the problem of GD, or what to look for in finding stolen submissions in the AP.

"The only problem is if I run it in the background it will brick my old ass PC so I have to make sure and use it when I have nothing else open."

When you say your computer is old, how old are we talking? Age isn't a sole factor when it comes to computers, its specifications also matter. If your PC is tanking with core duo, then there's probably something software related going on. Once you get on Skype, I could help walk you through some diagnostic procedures.

"Were we just going to talk the problem of GD, or what to look for in finding stolen submissions in the AP."

Since Geometry Dash is a burgeoning topic at the moment, it'd be good to talk about it for the opening episode, but I can't see us talking only about Geometry Dash. I figured we'd talk about a variety of things relating to Newgrounds news and abusive content. I also think it'd be an interesting idea to dedicate segments of the podcast to interviewing guests. But again, we'll have to organize an outline and gather topics when we're setting up.

Ah, it's because I don't have enough ram to really run Win 7 well. Before my father died I was looking into an update but now don't have the funds. I can get out a good skype call and see if I can squeeze my recording software in the background to record soundcard output. Might run the PC on Bart's PE disk just to squeeze all the use of the hardware.

Alright, sounds good. What time zone are you again? I'm noticing we're starting to be up when the other is asleep and vice versa. I want to set up a time that's convenient.

UTC-7:00 Mountain Time.