This is a compilation of deadlines for me to complete flashes and submit them by. They are done in months, so incase I have problems I'll theoretically have plenty of time to fix them. They are in ordered by name and date and have short descriptions, 40 char or less.
Flash Schedule 07:
1: "Puppy go Bye-Bye" September07 ***Scratched!***
A flash about a puppy getting killed.
2: "RemeniscenceOfAMercenary" (music video in flash form) October07
I'm still working on this!
3: MiniTuts #8-10 November07 (maybe sooner)
3 MiniTuturials I've been getting around to making.
4: Christmas Flash December (Christmas) 07
Santa must feed!
That's the end of the yearly calendar, now wait for the movies to roll in.
...You're a girl...COOL!
lol, anyway, lookin forward to your animations. I can never focus on more than one animation at a time, and most of the time, never even finish the one I'm working on. Good luck.
Yup, sure am, and I'm proud of it!
Thanks, I'm thinking about rescheduling my music video because it's almost finished though. I work on them bit by bit as I switch around and look for sound effects and such things. Hey, check out my sign up date and age and you'll see about how old I am right now, lol. Impressive no?