Hey guys, me again. I got a problem. A two thousand dollar problem.
Basically, my phone is broken, and my car is falling apart. I got a loan to pay off repairs, but I have to pay it off quick, before the $1800 dollars I took out takes on double in interest.
My savings are wiped. My budget is FUBAR. I don't make any real money on my projects here, so for the time being, I'm on hiatus. Meanwhile I'm working shifts job searching, doing tasks and late night food delivery. I feel stuck.
Ordinarily I wouldn't ask for help, but this blows. I have so many projects to do, deadlines I was supposed to meet, and I can't! From the time I get up, to the time I go to bed, I'm trying to pay these bills.
So, as embarrassed as I am to say this, if you like my work and want to see me continue soon, please consider a donation!
Currently my Paypal is defunct, but Ko-fi and Gumroad are live. The latter even has lots of free goodies for you, if you're a music producer.
I also have Venmo, PayPal, CashApp, and Square. DM for details. I'll have to get my phone fixed to access them, so it might take me about a week to accept those payments.
I really hate asking for money, so please only donate if you think my work (music, samples, and virtual instruments) is worth it!
I'm by no means abandoning my free music, magazine, or sample projects. Just taking a very unwanted break!
Thanks to those of you who have supported me so far. I wouldn't be here without you. Hope to see you soon with better news and more free music producer stuff!
I am so sorry, I've given a bit on ko-fi, thank you for making NG more awesome!
Thank you so much. It means a lot, and you do the same, more than you realize!
For when I get the chance, do you have any new music projects you think I'd enjoy?