Okay, not actually dying, but I feel like it. I'm making this because for one, I've been so sick lately I haven't been able to keep up with my socials (no more going missing!), and for two, it was totally preventable.
Here's what happened. I was exposed to a moderate amount of chlorine gas at work as a dish washer, because someone mixed bleach with degreaser and lots of other chemicals in all my sinks. Turns out spending 3 hours over boiling hot chemical soup isn't good for you.
If you don't want to spend several agonizing days in bed, don't mix household cleaners. Just don't. It doesn't help clean any better than soaking, scrubbing, and rinsing each chemical off separately, but it will almost certainly give you a 4 day migraine and possibly a fever if you're working with it for longer than 10 minutes.
That's what I got. I feel like I went on a bender, caught covid, and followed it up by huffing paint thinner. I'm okay though! Please don't worry. Just gonna be slow with PMs and discords and projects.
My release schedule should be unaffected, and I have this month's magazine draft about half done. On Friday, my cover of Little Dreams (2020) should drop at balls o'clock, followed by Ne Ver Ne Boysia English version next week, and Little Dreams (RUS) the following week. After that, @SkankyMojo and I have a little surprise cooked up to bust up the flow.
Before all this popped off, @MATRVG and I also worked overtime to get another full Call of Duty movie on board. This time, a complete re-casting of Black Ops 5's Alex Mason -- revoiced by yours truly through the magical powers of AI voice modeling. We have:
What's the big hubbub? Well, newcomers to the franchise might not know this, but once upon a time, Mason had a very different, very grisly VA, Sam Worthington, who many in the CoD fanbase (MAT included) dearly loved as THE definitive Alex Mason. Personally, I love both his performance and that of Chris Payne Gilbert, but you have to wonder what would it sound like if Sam was still around? This series is an answer that question.
I had to make a new model for this one, one that would scream, and then actually scream into it, occasionally converting some lines as Matt found others from previous CoD entries. It was a lot of work but a lot of fun to make! Check it out!
Still other news, I just finished sound engineering 2 versions of Season 1, Episode 4 of Legend of Korra Fandub, publishing pending. I can't show it to you now, but I'm so excited for when I can. Keep your eyes peeled!
Wish me luck getting over the never-ending headache and fever! I'll see you later with any corrections or additions that I forgot (I asked Matt), NGADM/NGUAC judging, and the next edition of the freebie mag! I got several good ones from last month I might go through and add a little blurb. :)
See you later!
I hope you can feel better.
Me too! I hope with this post at least one person retains this knowledge and doesn't use Comet and bleach to clean a bathtub. Bleach is no joke!