Little Dreams and Nas Ne Dogonyat have been stuck in my head for years. One night, I had an idea I couldn't shake -- what if t.A.T.u wrote it? Then I made a gay ass fan video as accompany it. Here it is!
Watch it while you still can! The video is a complilation of the good old days of t.A.T.u, their music videos, their lives, and of course, the All The Things She Said kisses we couldn't stop watching as angsty teens.
I made this video for my Russian speaking fans. If there is demand, I will make downloads for this available on patreon/ko-fi. If our YT overlords take it down, I'll put it out on Drive/Archive))
got the alert on youtube about an hour ago. Great work as usual <3
Awesome. Thank you! I see a trend. Every project I've been doing the past few releases has gotten more and more ambitious. I'm getting to a point I don't know how I'm going to top them! Which I guess is good
How have your musical endeavors been going?