I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))

Age 29

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A Special Treat

Posted by ADR3-N - February 16th, 2020

Heya, I wanted to stop by and thank everyone who commented on my last news post celebrating my non-death haha. I happened to have some time while studying abroad to drop by and leave a present.

I have no idea if this will embed properly, but it was a nice surprise YT actually rescinded the copyright block on educational grounds, since I obviously can't post it here. I undertook this track as a Russian language project for my class, before leaving for my studies.

Original is Sam Smith, Dancing With A Stranger. The lyrics are basically verbatim the English.

Big news, I should be back some time in the next two weeks. And my laptop did come in. I'll have to actually purchase internet, since my installation accommodations block "game" sites like NG, unless I pull the coffee shop wifi motel game lol. No biggie.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Those of you who want to get in touch with me, right now fb, snap, and whatsapp are the way to go. Drop ya deets if ya wanna do the greets.

Catch ya around!

Taggy bois:

@realfaction, hit me up about that podcast. Won't be able to record anything for two weeks but ey, haha

@quarl, I always remember what you said about cymbals when I produce these days. Fountain of helpful advice, seriously

@AliceMako, I don't even know how to use most of the synths you recommended me properly anymore, but they're so idiot proof, I still am able to, and that's saying something haha

@darksunshine eyyyyyy

@Kieran, I hope I'm spelling this right. Haven't seen you I think since your last username change!

@Troisnyx, I've missed you something awful, sis. I still listen to your tracks on the long commutes. You wrote any more hymns?

@LexRodent, how's it hanging? Life has been absolutely nuts lately for me. Let's get in touch

@cyberdevil, I've missed the holy hell out of you. What's shakin? You still keep those archives going?

@sethskoda, wow it's been a while. I didn't recognize your username a sec there. What have I missed?




Meep <3

The closest thing I've done to a hymn of late is an SATB arrangement of At the Cross Her Station Keeping (otherwise known as Stabat Mater). I've been knee-deep in doujin stuff; ARM release an EP on 1 March. ^_^

Ooh, swiggity swooty. What about any a cappelas? I really enjoyed taking a metal twist to Re:Reveris and Can You See The Clouds Divide. Also checked out your latest. You're really making moves!

I've not done a full-on acapella in a while; the last track of ARM's EP (Astgaban) ends acapella, but that's all I remember. Higher production value but fewer tracks, and I want to up the amount of songs I release, if I can help it.

Hmm, interesting. Shoot me any of your favorites, or maybe an "unsalvageable" recording you got from a project. I have fancy denoising software. Could be fun.

Did you ever send me an a capella of Hors La Lois? I could potentially even cover a piece in Russian now :0

A bit more aggressive than the original cover hmm! I like this. Wonder which role(s) you had? The song? The arrangement? Some cameo in the video too? Emotional. Beautiful. When the ghosts start dancing you know it's getting real... do you speak fluent Russian at this point, nevermind accentual perfection?

I'm keeping EVERYTHING going yo. :) Sometimes think I need to let a few projects go though... not archives though. Recorded a verse each day for Inktober last year if you ever have some time to listen in. ;) Hope to do more stuff like that. Creative stuff. Plus get crazy great and buff.

Welcome back again!!! What's poppin after this?

I actually made the whole song. Not the video though.

I would say I'm fluent enough. I can understand about 90% of what I hear. Formulating responses can present a challenge where I may not know how to inflect a certain word here or there and will prefer to rephrase the whole sentence or talk around it, but it's rare I need to.

Unfortunately I don't have a ton of time until I get back but we'll see what kind of projects I can get going. I may start releasing more Russian music

Glad you're back

Glad to be back! Anything cool lately I missed?

Nice. Had a part in how the video was going to turn out though or was that totally standalone?

Cool. Useful lingo to know too, access to another country that's really a continent and all. Wonder why you got started with Russian though? Roots? If we talked about this before my memory's really failing...

Until then then! That'd be dope. Doesn't seem to be a lot of that on NG right now.... though,reminds me of the TattooIN music videos this guy does occasionally: https://kol-belov.newgrounds.com/

Maybe you'd appreciate those. Often dark themes though.

Well I subbed it in Russian haha. It's the original music video to the English version with my audio and the subtitles themselves done in like 10 minutes with iMovie hahaha.

Nah, we never did. Although I took up an interest in the language early on when I was a kid. t.A.t.U. was always my favorite band coming up. They made it big in the Americas in English. I got really into them in high school actually.

Dark themes? Works for me. I feel like I'm simultaneously in the darkest AND brightest period of my life rn.

How's life treating you lately?

I don't remember having sent it you... meep...

Think you sent me the project as a zip and it broke... do you still have the acapella lying around? I'd love to give it a try seeing if I can transpose to Russian

@Kieran @ADR3-N I don't think so

Oh damn, speak Russian to me. I don't remember what I said about cymbals but if you ever want a review just hit me up. I lurk so hard.

Как дела? Давно тебя не видела хаха. Я помну, "не игай так громко" о cymbals хаха, но было на Since We Fell Apart

Russian robot-esque pop singer ADR3-N ! Nice cover.
I'm always here trashing stolen stuff , send me a PM if you feel chatty sometime.
See you soon.

Back atcha. Done any new pieces lately?

@LexRodent @ADR3-N
Plenty of them. I made an entire EP with a Neo-noir / trip-hop style, also a punk rock collab , a spooky medly of nursery rhymes and a chiptune for pixel day :)

Oooooh, do send me a tune or two. I could use some study music while I'm overseas haha

@LexRodent @ADR3-N @ADR3-N
Sure thing ; Here's the EP I told you about , hope you like it :
I'm having a little romance with overdrive on drums :D

Ooh, I'll see if I can listen to that one tonight whIle I study. I'll drop ya a review when I get the time! :0

Glad the stuff's proven useful over time.

And yeah content id can still be a circus on youtbe, i got my first false positive in over a year now courtesy of some royalty bot that apparently had a really hard time telling two different keys and scales apart so it just tagged somewhere musically random all the way to the silence at the end cus it can.

I never contested the last one on account of bach is public domain and if they're relying on something that can't distinguish between me playing a synth and some world class orchestra, where do i even begin pointing out how badly my time and by extension theirs is being wasted.

Wow that's nuts. Try disputing it. Worked for me despite the entire video being actual copyrighted material, despite fair use/education. Took a week though.

Just goes to show how ridiculously money hungry corporations have become these days. Can't even bother to have real people confirm copyright claims

Ah so that was your part too! Super efficient project management subtitle skills fo rizzle. :P

Ey t.A.t.U. and TattooIN. ;) Very different musical stules though. I used to like t.A.t.U. mostly because of how far they took things in their videos but yeah, the music wasn't bad... I think their success was pretty international, 200 km/h in the Wrong Lane was definitely the pinnacle over here though. Haven't seen much of them since.

Regarding Russia I'm fascinated by how little they seem to fear death. Their whole outlook on life. It's refreshing but at the same time scarily self-deprecating. Intrigued by their architecture too, both so robust and so intricate sometimes. St. Petersburg seems like an awesome place to visit.

Mmm darkness feels therapeutic too in a way, like you go to sleep in the night to wake up well-rested. Appreciate the day. Long as it's not all personal darkness, more so a window than a mirror. But then again desperation's a whole new perspective. Aaaanyway hope it seems to be mostly brighter periods from here on out? . . . . . . .

Hmm not sure. Stuck in a rut a bit. Some days are great, deceivingly prolific, but most seem to just escape me. Had big plans for 2020 but I've yet to really get started with those... music though, I'd definitely be down for collabs if you're up for some. Lots of vocal work floating around with those Inktober verses too if you're looking for something like that to work with.

Yeah 200 км/ч по встречной is a great album. I have it in Russian on my phone actually lol. They broke up some time ago though. Have you seen Lena's new stuff? Косы is probably my favorite

Hmm, actually if you'd be up to it, rerecording one of your favorite verses to a beat grid that is, I could write a chorus and we'd have ourselves a jig :)

I haven't seen Russia I'm person yet, but maybe some day! I've seen Latvia though. Gorgeous high relief work in a lot of the old buildings.

I think things are looking up. I still have a ton of old songs to finish, but plenty of time. Killer Thriller is still kicking around on my hard drive. As is the unmastered I Need Your Love

@chrononomad I'm alive. See parent post lol. Hope you're doing well!

Hubba hubba comrade.

Конечно, товарищ ♡

Nice. :) Though didn't know about the break-up... is Lena taking over the official name? Косы was real different from their older work. Soft, ambient, a bit more traditional and mature somehow... will definitely have a listen at what else they're doing...

Most definitely. :) I wouldn't mind writing new stuff too if you have some beats already? Always easier to write to it right from the start.

Ah yeah Latvia's great! If you ever want to meet up in Europe it might be possible to sync some trip/lunch/something - feel free to send a message. Been flying to Latvia Lithuania and Estonia in particular the last couple years now, all great places, still a bit cheaper than home but slowly catching up. Haven't taken the step to Russia yet though, seems riskier.

Hmm were we talking about those tracks before? Finna work on this short term memory thing... awesome to hear though. Sounds like the path you're plotting is all about music too?

Nah Lena and Yulia totally separated and are working their own solo careers. Lena's music has definitely gone sultry and mature. Yulia's is more of a bombastic style I think. A good representation... давай закрутим землю

I actually struggle to write a beat without lyrics!

Unfortunately can't meet anyone while I'm here. Not only am I short on time, it's a rule of the program.

No we haven't been talking about them but if you had a track you particularly enjoy or wish had more attention hit me :)

@ADR3-N Oh, myyyyy! It is exceedingly good to see that you're still alive and kicking. :D

Honestly, a heck of a lot has happened since you went off the grid, but in spite of it all I am indeed doing quite well. We should definitely get caught up soon. *Hugs*

Hey! So glad to see you! I just realized I neglected to tag you in my last 2 news posts. That's the newest with me, what I can tell. I started work back on music again. The link in this post is the last piece I've done.

I'm not on discord atm. If you have me on fb or ... actually you have my number. You can find me on what's app :D

Hmm I listened to the last song you recommended on what I thought was the official t.A.t.U channel though, maybe that's just YT putting stuff together hmm... seems almost like Yulia's still carrying a bit of their old sound! But both of these... I'm not really feeling the same energy as when they were together. Complemented each other well back then.

Oooh interesting, I'll go dig up some lyrics then, but the thing about my writing is that it's really not by BPM when it's all acapella from the start. Gets harder to add in music later on. Anyway, maybe one of these?


...I'd need to re-record according to beat of course, maybe re-write a little. But I wouldn't mind building upon those.

You actually ARE over here right now?! Well damn. That's a shame. Ran into a US exchange student at the airport a few years back, maybe if I just book a few more random trips hmmmmmmm...

Ah cool, memory's still OK. :) Well I linked ya to some vocal bits, but if you have time to just listen to some I'm pretty happy with this thing: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/886260

Also: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/886739

Don't know how much time you have now (just realized this is actually a bit relevant though): https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/887445

Yeah I have no idea haha. I definitely miss the contrast of the two of them together.

Yeah for a couple more weeks, then I'll be headed home. Well, second home haha. It's sad but the rules are for our own safety. You know how nasty the world is today

It's early morning and I gotta leave in a sec but I'll check these out tonight!

Yupp yupp, and for sure, understandable, two weeks would've been a slim margin to plan in a trip anyway! I usually book this stuff a few months in advance. Cheaper that way.


Hey, I'm really digging To Life. Got a hook in mind. If you wouldn't mind finding a metronome to the same tempo you were feeling there and shooting me a quickie. It'll be 2 weeks before I can touch it ofc

Awesome. :) Yupp yupp I could do that, shouldn't take more than two weeks for a quick recording...

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