Yeah. At first, I didn't realize that. Now I do. Definitely not doing that again.
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
делаю хиты 8)
Joined on 9/3/06
Yeah. At first, I didn't realize that. Now I do. Definitely not doing that again.
It's alright. Some people are new to NG and don't know what we're about, or that we're a user-generated content site moderated by real people, or even that we came long before YouTube and "Numa Numa" originated here -- historical blah blah. Others don't read the rules (just like most of us don't read the rights and limitations on our software -- we just click okay) and are surprised when they're banned for stealing songs or clapping reverb on a Warak track. If you come back with original music or just want to hang out, you're welcome here.
don't have borderlands (didn't like the first one much, back when it was initially released) but I've considered getting that or destiny and getting a team together. for multiplayer I've been on rocket league almost exclusively for a while, and I play overwatch now and then but I'm not that big a fan
I need to clean out my xbone dvr uploads but never do since the UI is so slow and annoying, but there might be a couple decent screens and clips buried in there
Fallout 4 (and mods) are the reason I got an xbone as well, some time after F4 was announced. I'm not nearly as big a fan of TES as I am of Fallout but the skyrim re-release is definitely on my list to get, to see what the mods are like.
Have you played Witcher 3? I'd probably rank it as the best game I've played on xbone so far. I was getting pretty into FFXV but haven't been able to play it for a good while now
Sorry about that. I thought making a GD cut version of a song would be like remixing it. Yeah, that was a wrong conclusion. :p
GD cuts are allowed, so long as the original artist does it themselves. So if you want a GD cut, ask -- politely over PM -- and resist the temptation to do it yourself. Otherwise, you're just stealing whatever portion of the song you cut, which is no bueno. If we allowed those submissions, we'd be spammed with about 500 of the same approx cuts of various NCS songs, which people already are banned for stealing daily.