Do whatever you want, I'm just happy that you're on again =)
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
делаю хиты 8)
Joined on 9/3/06
Do whatever you want, I'm just happy that you're on again =)
Me too =P
I need to post here more often, I have a terrible case of BFS (bad friend syndrome)... oh, and Andrea? If you post your hentai (and anything of you yourself, been waiting long for that) I will personally see to it that you recieve all ten chapters of an erotic story of mine YOU'VE NE'ER READ, called A Trip to the Exodar (WC fanfic). What do you say, creative/erotic tradesies?
Sure, but my user pic is currently the only pic of me that I have at the moment. :(
Oh wow all you music has progressed great job, Soon I'll be posting another guitar song hope you come and hear once I'm done. Oh and your profile pic is drop down gorgess ;)
Thanks :)
I'll be looking forward to your next song.
Any ol' hentai will work, as long as it's plentiful and good. ^^
No problem. I have a new story coming out, along with some of the newest hentai I've downloaded (and some of this stuff I scanned in for giggles).
Good to know you ain't dead lol. Some stories and stuff would be cool ^^
I didn't knew you had hentai, you lil perv ;)
Really Happy!!!!!!!
i once banged erika you know
she was all like ohhhhh~
but that night i forgot to wear a rubba
and i was like oh brotha!
i hope shes not preggo, i really do
or the law might be on me like scooby doo
Um, Erika is a virgin XD
I think you banged my cousin, lol!