Take care! I wish you a soon recover
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
делаю хиты 8)
Joined on 9/3/06
Take care! I wish you a soon recover
thank you! be safe and stay well! lol
If it makes you feel any better. Your missery of being sick as a dog, provided me with a pleasant and entertaining read, to accompany my groggy ass, drinking my morning coffee after waking up.
And to quote your trivia bit at the end:
"Don't go touching any strange birds". I'm quite the lonely fellow sometimes. I will try to apply my best judgement whenever I can, but I can't promise to keep my hands (or other possible body parts) to myself, if a certain bird makes me an offer I can't refuse.
I feel with you, both in the "having been so sick for days I thought I would have to die"- as well as with the "Times are tough. Better not let get all that free food go to waste"-sense.
Not really being able to think straight and not being able to just sleep through all of it is always the worst part for me. This advice may come too late, but I found being able to listen to audio books, even bad ones, was a welcome distraction in situation where you can do absolutely nothing but wait to get better.
Also: Honey! Having a teaspoon of honey (and maybe some dried berries and walnuts) is what got me through COVID, when I was unable to stomach pretty much anything else.
Don't push yourself too hard. Remember to take plenty of breaks. Have a sip of water every now and then.
Get well, but don't stress about getting well soon.
We'll 'try' to not destroy the world while you take a break. ;)
I hope you can get out well, friend, I had not seen the post before sorry for that ,I hope everything improves and that it turns out well
A big greeting and lots of good vibes man
No worries! I think I'm going to come out ok. I just made this post as a PSA to others that the flu is going around north America and will be probably for a few months. It seems there's almost no way to avoid it, but big gatherings is probably the easiest way to catch it
Going to check my pms now. Looking forward to that super secret project wink wink
Christ almighty…
The last time I got the flu, I was like 6-7. I fear for the flu now more than ever as I am nearing feckin’ 30.
Please get well soon, stay hydrated, and take plenty of care of yourself!
YES omg. Dude, the flu now is so much worse than I remember it as a kid. I think I was 9 when I had it last and it was just a headache, mild cough and stuffy nose with stopped up ears. This time was all of that and a cough that has lasted for going on 2 weeks? Rough time! If you do happen to get it, I can definitely recommend tamiflu as starting it actually allowed me to sleep through the night for the first time since I got ill. And beyond that, lots of tea and fever reducers. The flu fever is no joke.
Massacre! Hope it passes soon :/ I wish you good health!
Thank you! I'm slowly getting better. I actually decided to try and sing today. Going okay so far but hard to catch my breath. Hope to be at 100% soon!
@ADR3-N Yikes! That honestly sounded way worse than the covid bout that I got last year. Gotta get myself jabbed for this BS ahead of time ASAP it seems!
My favourite cough silencer is honestly jasmine tea with honey and ginger. It won’t kill the beast; but it will shut it up for a hot minute. Hang in there!
Please take care of yourself. Stress could easily have been a contributor too. /gen
Aww, thanks. Yeah, you're absolutely right. Another thing is, I've been trying to quit vaping for a few years. When I first started hacking, that's what I blamed it on. Then my chest started hurting all "please don't be cancer" like. Few days later, the fever showed up, and I was like, okay infectious disease, cool.