you scared me. glad you aren't really dying though.
and damn Jojo beat me!
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
делаю хиты 8)
Joined on 9/3/06
you scared me. glad you aren't really dying though.
and damn Jojo beat me!
Don't worry, you're still first in my heart (and for the last million posts)
But I'll be fine -- pending a doctor appointment because everything was closed today
Phew. I'm sorry to read about you and your actual 'indisposed' state (I'm glad to read that you currently feel 'fine', within what fits, though). I wish you good luck to endure with that annoying fever and headache, and a quick, indolent recovery o7.
Fine is an overstatement. I've wanted to sleep all day and then some! Thank God for acetaminophen or I'd be pissed.
Actually, I'm still pissed. lol
I once did this, for a short amount of time, accidentally. Not the best experience.
How did you do it? Regular housecleaning or work?
I normally lack replies to my friends' News Post very lately due to my depression, but I had to say something for this: "You almost had me heart attack!"
Still it's not true, it doesn't mean it's never going to happen -- I can only wish best of your health, ma'am. After all of your work's done for us, your friendship and mentoring for us, we could never afford your absence. Please take care and return back to us safely :( :(
I hope to be back to normal soon. Going to have a very serious conversation with my boss about the goings on when I get back to work, so hopefully it doesn't happen again. And if it does I'm probably just going to look for another job. Nothing against my work. Other than a few people making safety issues, it's been great
@ADR3-N regular house cleaning. Mixed two cleaning liquids without noticing it. Gladly I realized my mistake pretty fast and aired the home, but still had my nostrils burning for the whole day after.
Jesus! That's no joke. I don't know how or why I can't smell it anymore, but it definitely sucks. Glad you were ok!
Dang, getting chlorine gassed isn't the first occupational hazard that comes to mind when working in a kitchen... Hope you feel 100% soon ₊˚⊹
It wouldn't be my first guess either without those big sinks. I'm a little better today. Wish me luck going back to work tomorrow!
Damn that's hard to hear, hope you get well soon ~(つˆДˆ)つ。☆
I'm getting there slowly but surely. I almost feel myself again today, just in time to go back to work tomorrow. Thanks!
Ужас! Сейчас ты уже хорошо себя чувствуешь? Желаю тебе побыстрее полностью оправиться.
В зарплату работников кухни входит риск здоровью от работы с химическими веществами?
Ну, более или менее. У меня температура до сих пор. Временно исчезает, потом вернется позже вечером. Я не знаю причину. Может быть, я вдохнула достаточное количество газа, и затем заразилась ковидом. Ковид у нас как новый грипп.
Конечно, не входит. Работа в кухни считается работой нищих. Меня не особо волнует общественное мнение, но зарплата действительно не соответствует объему работы и рискам -- возможно потому, что законодатели не понимают НАСТОЛЬКО глупо обычные люди обращаются с химикатами.
I hope you can feel better.
Me too! I hope with this post at least one person retains this knowledge and doesn't use Comet and bleach to clean a bathtub. Bleach is no joke!