I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))

Age 29

делаю хиты 8)



Joined on 9/3/06

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Hey - good job, but FYI that 11 pack Cymatics offer is now expired!

Daaaaamn! Well, they do have taster packs. Gonna have to edit! I missed it because of the outage!

I sure do understand! XD It's impressive you even get this list done with all that's going down around town over there. And the power's still out huh... food can't have fared too well then?

Nice job preserving Riffstation too, shall do my part! Seems useful, hadn't heard of it before.

I knew Discord was too good to be true... good thing we have still have NG PMs. Hopefully totally anonymous and discreet means of communication and speech over here.

Hope archive.org manage to stay afloat for sure, they're a real treasure trove, with their Wayback Machine as with so much else.

We do have a solar powered radio, a little portable gas stove, flashlights candles and dry food for potential outages, emergency water too, the fridge seems the bigger issue... would require a pretty large generator to keep that going. Or on the flipside heating in winter - could just store all food outside then, a longer outage in winter would be dangerous. Solar-powered charger's a good idea, or just a solid powerbank when there's no sun...

You clearly live in a warmer part of the world hmm. :) All good advice though, seems most emergency items are good to have no matter the climate. How much of this did you have yourself before this thing happened?

Good to know on WikiPedia! Have contributed a bit there in the past, now it's more so Archive.org. Seems they've a bigger need for the money right now.

"ETA -- actually I don't know because I've been touching grass" - finna borrow that phrasing sometime. XD

Looking forward to hearing those interviews too, definitely setting some NG records there! I wonder if there's ever been a three hour audio file uploaded before, interesting to see how well NG handles that too...

Just woke up! Remind me to write a proper response to this if you see my reply some time today. I'm going fossil hunting and have a long drive ahead of me. Just woke up lol

@cyberdevil as you can see my brain doesn't work in the morning. Repeated myself xD

Wooo fossil hunting! If that's not something you speak on in those pods I'd love to know more about that too! No worries, morning mind's relatable. XD Shall remind if I remember to!

Ого, многовато же происшествий...
Поздравляю с приобретением! И с ремонтом тоже, если он завершён.
Электричества так и нет, или уже всё наладилось?

Работа udio звучит слишком хорошо. Надеюсь нейросети не станут совсем неуловимыми.
Хотя скорее всего нейросеть сможет вычислить треки нейросети. Это облегчит многим работу
Если, конечно, нейросети всё ещё будут оставлять отличительные артефакты, или водяные знаки.

u a real one adrean