I would have done the same if I had holidays, but I don't... *sighs*
How do you talk to her? Comment/pm or msn?
And hear what song?
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
делаю хиты 8)
Joined on 9/3/06
I would have done the same if I had holidays, but I don't... *sighs*
How do you talk to her? Comment/pm or msn?
And hear what song?
Comment. If she PM'ed me though, It'd be so much fucking easier.
I forgot the name, but she listens to rap. She'd know. I'm more of a metal head...
PMing is way easier, msn is even easier then both..
I like every genre of music, but I really like trance..
Yeah, but I can't get MSN until I beg my parents more...
Metal is just my thing, although I do like techno and trance.
Portal buddies?
<a href="http://www.ebuddy.com">www.ebuddy.com</a>
All you need is a mail adress and you can msn on the internet.. =)
Yeah sure =D
My parents'll kill me :(
Also, you're pending
Do they check your browser history then?
This even works on my school, you don't have to download anything it's just surfing on the internet..
Occasionally, but I usually delete it
Then go to ebuddy, and delete your history =b
Ok, and are you going to accept it or not? (the portal buddy thing), wait never mind
It didn't said: 'Andrea364 wants to be your portal buddy, do you accept' yet..
But I've added you too..
:) And I got it now :P
My username is Andrea364_NG
Do I have to add you again or are we portal buddys now?
We are. You want co-authored on anything?
That would be great!
I'm already a flash artist but still...
I'm going to try to make my own flash movie in 2 weeks =)
Ok, I'll give you my 3 highest that I submitted.
Also, what are you listed as on Ebuddy?
Ok thanks =)
You mean what's my msn right?
Ja, but I got yahoo, lol *is confuzzled*
I got hotmail =b
But I'm on my Wii atm, I can go on ebuddy there too, but typing is slow so keep that in mind
That's fine
Ah damn I've gotta take a shower..
I'll brb in 5 min =/
Ok, I'll be waiting.
I'm online right now, but I somehow didn't got a request that you want to add me, so I can't see you online..
I should add you, what's your mail adress?
Andrea364_NG@yahoo.com You're already added tho
Ok I've added you, I just hope this works : o
Did it?
I've sent you a message, but it says you're offline..
Ok, lets try again, I'll delete your contact, then try to add me again
Hmm ok!
: )
I really have no clue why this isn't working..
Me either, I mean, I got your message, but it says you're offline. It says your address is invalid as well
Ah well.. atleast we tried...
i just got your msg
It says you're offline, and I can also just send you 1 mssg at the time..
It isn't working....
I noticed lol, just never mind it =/ I got to go to sleep anyways..
Ok, nite :)
It's 9 pm here, so don't complain =b
I usually keep talking to her till 11~12 pm..
I talk to her until it's 3 or 4 in the morning. I wish it was five though.
lol You'll get it if you hear the song.