I love you.
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
делаю хиты 8)
Joined on 9/3/06
I love you.
And who doesn't? LOL, I'm such a bitch over the internet, yet you all still love me. w00t
god dam i want to do flash
Just download the program, it's easy to do...
It's true i love everyone, but i yet not say it to those who want me too.
Me no comprende that sentence
Nevermind that last comment.
Your location says your behind me yet when i turn around you're not there.
I'm always behind you, so you can't see me cause when you turn around, I just stay behind you.
I am a ninja! (kidding)
There actually are girls on the internet?
Yup, you're talking to one... : /
Most girls on the internet are 40 year old Child Molesters in their basement preying on children.
You're thinking about dudes I think.... either that or you're just paranoid...
33 News posts.
I feel so inferior. I only have 2 :(
And? That just means I'm more of a blog whore..
Andrea, when you post, does it get frontpage?
Occasionally, if I want it to.
Ignore the alliance. They're just noobs who love you.
W00T, groupies
WTF is up with the alliance shit?
No idea, but I feel the love over here
Your thirteen? Im thirteen too. :D
When's your birthday?
I'm scared to say cause of 'someone'
You know, if you spend most of your time on NG you can become a Master Sergeant before you know it!
Nah, I'd rather not, and once again, I'm at Office Depot, checking out PC's
A pedophile? Stalker? Fanboy?
The first and last, and possibly all three
I think i might become a pedophile once im older, I can't imagine being attracted to older, uglier women
Niether can I. I guess we're both gonna get arrested and shit, eh?
Tip: Always stay alert in the portal, you might even find a Egg! Better yet a dead nOOb!
What kind?
Any! Also SBC will be wandering in the portal for clock day 2008.
You should join the Elite Guard Barracks since your first class, and do you know 54uR0n puts your name in all his movies? Just thought you'd know and congratulations on getting back in the NGPD
I noticed... I'm not going to go back to the Barracks though. Someone has already filled my position there.