about 20 grand they pay for it using pop-up ads.
I make beats, metal, samples, patches, dnb, original game soundtracks, RVC voice models, and Russian/ English translation covers. Follow for monthly music producer freebies! Рада помочь русскоговорящим. Семплы вложены в ссылках вниз)))
Age 29
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Joined on 9/3/06
about 20 grand they pay for it using pop-up ads.
Nope, that's how much they get paid I think...
Ads. Also I think I remember reading a long time ago that the monthly bandwidth is well over ten grand USD. O_O
I wonder how much money they individually make a year. It's clear they're all successful, but I wonder HOW successful?
ADR3-N (Updated )
I said how much, not how do they, but that's still a good question... Oh wait... I read it too fast...