Currently having a bit of an episode and am really overwhelmed by social life. Stay tuned. If you really want to get in touch with me, I still check my fb and instagram from time to time. Hopefully this will pass soon. Daily social interactions are becoming too stressful and I'm starting to avoid people I actually like as if they have some sort of disease -- not because I don't want to be around them, more so just because I'm too stressed to maintain relationships properly. Maybe it's final exams. Maybe not. The only thing really keeping me on track seems to be working out. Speaking of, leg day tomorrow.
Sorry if I haven't gotten back to you. It's nothing personal!
I know that feel all too well. Glad to hear working out has been a positive thing.. something I do little of any more. Too many years on the same chassis, too many different pains, I feel like a wounded animal that hates to be touched :p